USS Brewton (FF-1086)
Commissioning Book


These pages re-create the USS Brewton's 1972 Commissioning Book in web page format. This book was given to everyone attending the commissioning ceremony on 8 July 1972. Special thanks go out to Everett Hayes for scanning portions of this book so that it could be put up on the internet.

Read below for instructions on how to find your way around the book. Please feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions or comments.

-Mark Lookabaugh

How to Navigate These Pages

There are three buttons located at the top and bottom of each page of the commissioning book for moving around.
The BACK BUTTON will move you one page backwards from wherever you are currently.
The CONTENTS BUTTON returns you to the book's table of contents. The table of contents provides a list of shortcuts to the different sections of the book.
The FORWARD BUTTON will move you one page ahead from wherever you are currently.
To return to the USS Brewton FF-1086 Home Page from any point in the book, click on the CONTENTS BUTTON in the top right corner of any page, then select the link at the bottom of the Contents Page.